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Dear LMS Families,

Reopening Announcement


We are excited that we will be opening our doors to your children this summer! It has been too long since we have heard the sound of children’s voices in our building!


Because of the Coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic, we are all living through some trying times. Please be assured that we at Loudoun Montessori take the safety and health of our students, including your child, and our staff very seriously. Because of this, we have implemented protocols and practices in accordance with guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and the Virginia Department of Health and Environment.


We have been cleaning our school after the school year, preparing the physical environments (classrooms and common areas), modifying our daily routines to encourage more open space, researching and purchasing the best cleaning materials for our environments, and collaborating with and training staff on best practices with respect to minimizing exposure to Covid-19.


It certainly has felt like riding a roller coaster.  The planning process has been a challenge to say the least, and   we certainly know we are not alone! All businesses are trying to determine what they can do and when, and then are finding creative solutions to move forward.


This year Summer Camp will not be the same due to new restrictions and requirements. However, Loudoun

Montessori teachers will do their best to provide a safe, rich, and fun-filled summer experience.


Enroll / Re-enroll to Summer Camp by June 22


We understand that while our working parents are trying to determine their options with regards to returning to work, some of our families are still not ready to send their kids to school even if their kids are already registered at our Summer Camp.


Therefore, we ask all of our families to re-enroll or newly enroll your kids to our Summer Program by returning all attached registration forms no later than June 22.


We are planning to start our Summer Camp on Monday, July  6.


For your convenience, we created new editable PDF forms that you can fill out on your computer, save, and email back to us. Please find all attached forms that should be filled out and emailed back by June 22.


Please be aware that signing the “Waiver and Release of Liability” form does not relieve Loudoun Montessori School from following all rules and requirements and keeping the school’s environment safe for its staff, your family, and your child.


Summer Camp Registration Fee and Tuition Payment


Registration fee (if not made yet) , camp fee and activity fee can be paid through PayPal by June 22nd at (please pay as friends and family to avoid any associated service fees ) or ACH (please send an email to confirm). Your payment will be the confirmation of your child's registration.


Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to work together!


We are looking forward to meeting our little friends at our school again and having an exciting summer together!


Loudoun Montessori Team

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